
by Meditec, Ltd



Your e-health in your own hands. Literally.

Your e-health in your own hands.Literally.eHealthPoint is your helper in e-health:- use your eHealthPoint profile;- call the Emergency medical service (EMS);- send the location of the caller (GPS coordinates) to the EMS dispatcher (for now - only in Latvia); - find out local emergency number when outside Latvia;- make call to the family doctor or the family doctors’ consultative line;- find the nearest medical point on the map;- call the medical point;- receive directions to the medical point;- use the application in multiple languages.eHealthPoint is integrated with the Emergency Medical Service of Latvia.Version 2.0 introduces fully reworked app that’s prepared for new features to come. Stay tuned!

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Bezjēdzīga aplikācija... Lai neteiktu skarbāk

Kristaps Sinics

Nāksies pirkt iphone, jo Jūs android nabagi neesat pelnijuši izmantot visas iespējas ko aplikācija sniedz citiem.

Kristaps Supe

Doesn't have any of your appointment info

Maija S


Arturs Rozentals

Viss labi strādā kā vajag .

S. P.

Paldies BezTabu! Aplikācija ar latviešu nosaukumu nav atrodama. Aplikācija Play Store zem izstrādātāja MediCloud nav atrodama.

Kristaps Caune

Pat neizdevas instalet app

gun Ger

Mani jau no reģistrācijas aizbiedē,ka visur vari ar banku vai vismaz fb to veikt,te kaut kā viss nemoderns un atpalicis..paldies,bet nē!

J. Dālmanis